What an amazing day this was for everyone. WIPA Seattle and ILEA Seattle joined forces to make a strong statement and impact during the 2024 Seattle Pride Parade. We even had the VERY FIRST couple get married during the route! The love and support were intoxicating and energizing, to say the least. Everyone had so much fun, and we could not thank our sponsors and our participants enough! Everyone made this an adventure to remember and we are all looking forward to doing this again next year! Here are a few of our favorite photos by Amy Soper, Your Friendtographer from the event...
HUGE Thank you to all of our sponsors for contributing your goods and services to this event. It means so much to us and your efforts MADE this event happen for us.
Our fabulous sponsors:
Butler Transportation, @butlerseattle; Parade vehicle
BlueInk Design & Print, @blueinkseattle; Signs & Banners
Mobile Apparelist, @mobileapparelist; Tee Shirts
Amy Soper Photography, @yourfriendtographer; Photography
Rebecca Lynn Films, @rebeccalynnfilms; Videography
SmashBabySmash, @smashbabysmash; Balloons
Balloon Designers, @balloon_designers; Balloons
Orion Entertainment, @orion_ent; DJ/Music
CORT Party Rental, @cortpartyrental; SWAG (fanny packs & water bottles)
Seatown Sweets, @seatownsweets; SWAG (Treats)
Foodz Catering, @foodzcatering; Parade Vehicle & SWAG (Treats)
FloraGrand, @flora.grand.wendy; Floral
Bellevue Lighting, @bellevuelighting; Bubble effects
Kind & Co., @kindandcoevent; Coordination & General parade sponsor
Forever Events, @foreverevents; Planning & Coordination
We can't wait for next year! Who's ready to start planning? ;)